<bgsound loop='infinite' src='https://soundcloud.com/sergio-balacco/misty'></bgsound>



I awaiting for you somewhere over the rainbow

Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh oh

Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Oh, somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,
Oh why, oh why can't I?

Well I see trees of green and red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue
And I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you

I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world world

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me

Oh, somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I?

This song is dedicated to you, it's really something special making dreams come true, seems hard to figure out but that's what it's all about. 

If I should write a book for you that brought me fame and fortune too that book would be like my heart, my soul is dedicated to you. To you because your eyes are the beacon that lights up my way, to you because with you I know a lifetime could be just one heavenly day if I should find one twinkling star one half as wondrous as you are that star would be like my heart and is dedicated to you. 

Don't fall in love with someone you can live with, fall in love with someone you can't live without.


Love is a kind of magic

I fell in love with you. Not as Luigi Tenco: It's not that I had nothing to do. I fell in love with you, because ... could not go another way.
As the card that stands there, alone, and a gust of wind or something else, move it next to another piece of seemingly distinct and distant. A mosaic is not there, not there. A kind of magic: the card can not be indefinite part of a whole, before. It understands only next to that other: the mosaic is made, no one can divide.

Never. Or so I think I read somewhere. Anyway, whoever wrote it must have been convincing, because he convinced me.  I fell in love with you. Not as Luigi: I had a lot of people to meet, on the day. In fact I met them. Beautiful people, ugly, friends, women, females, prey, hunters, extras, masks, protagonists. My ego in the middle, to dance on the world, restless as ever; a face that was laughing and crying, as always.

I fell in love with you. Not as Luigi: the night I did not have much space to dream someone. I was melancholy, sometimes, yes, but I was dreaming with my eyes open and closed, day and night, I dreamed of living, awake, drunk without drinking. I had too much to do to sleep at regular times. I was happy, happiness is not present, that, if there was, lying under a layer too thick of adrenaline, to manifest itself with the revolutionary clarity that should have; I was glad of life, the promise of happiness in the future, I was happy not even know what, even in pain, not at all pleased that the guest had wanted to meet, present, embrace of those hugs that you never want to, yet you can't escape them.

I fell in love with you, even though I had other programs before to fall in love with you, projects to be implemented, to make experiences and emotions to try. And freedom. Highways endless freedom, no one knew where that led, always on the border with its most absolute form, which coincides with the loneliness. Yes, I also wanted the thrill there: to know, but just right, the female universe, maybe understand, finally, that fascinates me so much, as always. And no allusions, you know that it is not a matter of youthful testosterone because I am no longer young, and perhaps not even you, yet ....

But then I fell in love with you. And I forgot what I was looking for, assuming that I knew. In fact, I have not forgotten: it did not matter. I was there, you were there, the two of us, what we should look for? It was all clear, perhaps the fate exists and maybe not ours, in any event, showed up so. In that strange way, including evenings in crowded places and improbable, when we were unaware of the canvas was weaving between faces, thoughts, words, goodbye consumed with grief and given sorrows . Because, as another youth myth say, a rock can't stem the sea. And there are seas where you know you need to lose, because it's the only way to find yourself, or see you at last.

I fell in love with you, and perhaps you of me. I was with my thousand games of mirrors and my doubts perennials that for once, at least once in my life, were gone, only certainties remained. You, and I am sure is thus with your shyness, the feeling of home to only look at you, your eyes tell the whole story and make me better if you just look at me. I, with my ghost that disappears when I fall in love with you, but sooner or later reappears and comes back to haunt me. And you.

You and I, the two of us. And what could be. It was all clear, as when a painting is finished, put away the brush, there is nothing to add, so, just as it should be. The individual component colors are terribly imperfect, so different from each other that no painter would have thought to combine them, but the picture is perfect. Let's just keep it. Nothing else that protect it from the weather and from the snares of the time. Perfection does not exist almost never occurs in the madness of a few moments, sometimes, but it is fragile and knows only the present, the fleeting moment, it promises to outlast the magic of two bodies hanging in the air.

The rest is up to us. By you and me, but maybe only on you, I'm here and wait, you're there and wait, I'll come back and take you to heaven, to live this story, then let's talk about a real fairy tale, the kind that you don't forget, of a life lived with love and feeling and whatever it costs. You, me and nothing more. And by fate, that exist or maybe not, but we don't know more words and then, yes, we say it depends on him. The time, care, carelessness, mistakes, pitfalls, sacrifices, immaturity, selfishness, projects, some silence and a few words too, the wrong patterns of hide and seek, everything that sooner or then we remember that you are not ready, you're ready to much but not all, all those mistakes that I've been able to do, that I'm good to do. 
Ah, what a hopeless bumbling I am, but for love, I swear, just for love, too much love. And all the rock of this inexorable our diversity, our bet that strong and sassy completion rather than conflict, complementary rather than incompatible.

The two pieces separate and distant they always, and the mosaic magic. And all those smiles. How fell in love with you and you with me, but I'm not aware, I guess, I burn with the desire to understand what you are to me but a wall divides us with all those smiles. And then fate depends on us. We know it will be tough, traditions, family, my past and also the present and the future are not certain of this without you I do not understand and I prefer to think of it with you. Perhaps, at times, this invisible director of our lives that we call destiny has some exaggeration, we did not miss anything, tears and dreams we have become experts.

But the promise would be to resist. In all, even though we don't know what, then. At the small petty or venial lie, to anger, to those rags in the long end of that long flight to avoid if you can. Remorse, no regrets at the outlet, the waste of everything for nothing, the altar of nowhere when everything is likely to be sacrificed. 
The promise was to return, because there was nothing in the world worthing more than that to protect you and our fragile shell built from scratch. 

The love counts and counts the years who has never been ready, but when you fall in love you are ready to find out what you have always been. There are almost more than 30 years of time between the two of us, are there and they all have their truth: 

I fell in love with you. And love is important.

Don't fall in love with someone you can live with, fall in love with someone you can't live without.


Il gioco dell'oca

Matteo Renzi aveva annunciato che avrebbe rifondato l’Italia in 100 giorni anche se ora, prudentemente, è passato ai 1000 eppure - se si guarda al concreto – nel nostro paese è difficile cambiare le cose innanzitutto perché troppi gruppi di potere ben consolidati non vogliono farlo, ma anche perché il Premier ci sta mettendo del suo a complicare le cose.

Il caso più evidente è quello della riforma del Senato. Tutte le persone di buonsenso capiscono che andrebbe riformato, che è superato il bicameralismo perfetto, che senatori e deputati devono essere ridotti di numero, ma perché non si deve permettere ai cittadini di eleggere direttamente i propri rappresentanti, come non vogliono Renzi e Berlusconi, per evidenti interessi personali? 
Visto che questa obiezione è fondata diventa normale che molti insistano a proporre cambiamenti anche ad un sistema elettorale come “Italicum” che è nato per risolvere i problemi dei leader, non della rappresentatività democratica.

Alla Camera insistere con i listini bloccati significa non permettere ai cittadini di scegliere il “loro” deputato ma solo il partito preferito dando quindi tutto il potere in mano a chi può predeterminare e “bloccare” le liste. Inoltre, con questo sistema, basta un voto in più dell’avversario (anche stando molto al di sotto dal 50% dei voti) per avere la maggioranza assoluta dei seggi, soprattutto se ci sono più schieramenti. 
Proprio per questo rischio, predeterminare anche gli eletti al Senato di fatto in base al risultato elettorale della Camera o di altri organismi come le Regioni (dove pure scattano i premi di maggioranza) porta al rischio effettivo che magari per pochissimi voti un partito (o coalizione) ottenga la stragrande maggioranza di Camera e Senato e possa così eleggere anche il Presidente della Repubblica, parte dei membri del CSM e degli altri organismi dello stato, il tutto con eletti “nominati” e neppure personalmente eletti: vi sembra logico?

Permettendo l’uso delle preferenze si avrebbe almeno l’elezione dei “migliori” o comunque di quelli/e più legati al territorio e non cooptate dall’alto. Per questo credo che anche il Senato vada votato dai cittadini e per risparmiare le elezioni possono essere fatte lo stesso giorno del rinnovo della Camera o, eventualmente, insieme aall’elezione dei consigli regionali. 

Bloccarsi su questi aspetti anziché dare libertà di voto e chiarire bene di che debba occuparsi il futuro Senato sottolinea che quello che conta per i leader politici non è la sostanza costituzionale ma il controllo dei propri eletti e questo credo sia assolutamente negativo. Assurdo il sostenere anche che così si risparmi: l’84% del bilancio della Camera (e credo sia cosa simile anche al Senato) non è per il costo dei parlamentari ma per la struttura. Scendendo da 315 a 100 senatori licenzieranno migliaia di super-retribuiti dipendenti parlamentari? Ne dubito. 

Ma allora si scenda a circa 150-200 senatori eletti dal popolo (e contemporaneamente a non più di 400-450 deputati) e avremo ridotto i costi, riformato la struttura ma si chiarisca bene la divisione dei compiti e dei ruoli.

L’altro aspetto politico di cronaca estiva è la telenovela sui vincoli di bilancio imposti dall’Unione Europea. Qui Renzi è in contraddizione: sostiene di “contare” moltissimo in Europa (spalleggiato da stampa e TV molto cortigiane) ma non porta a casa risultati e la Germania di fatto impone quel che vuole senza che l’Italia abbia la forza di opporsi e “forzare” altre soluzioni.

Alla prova dei fatti è solo la conferma che come Italia siamo deboli economicamente e politicamente, non abbiamo alleati importanti, non riusciamo a far convergere attenzioni sull’area del Mediterraneo (vedi anche il problema sbarchi) e alla fine siamo solo nazione di periferia e giochiamo in serie B, anche in Europa. Rendersene conto farebbe bene a tutti, anche alla presunzione di Mr. Renzi perché è grottesco che preannunci proprio stamani che “L’Italia sarà la locomotiva del rilancio europeo” nello stesso giorno in cui il nostro paese torna in negativo come proiezioni di crescita.