<bgsound loop='infinite' src='https://soundcloud.com/sergio-balacco/misty'></bgsound>



Still you, forever you ❤️

My heart is silent
hidden in a corner
behind the door of dreams.
He waits suspended
that time
bring a message
to the longed-for love:
it's a call to life,
it is a perfume of passion,
it's a profound thought
that spreads in the wind.
“Wind opens the window,
comes in like a summer breeze
on a winter evening
and brings the moment
where in one sentence,
in a gesture,
in a word,
my heart recognizes
the scent of his soul,
a sigh,
a whisper,
a night of love
already imprinted in the image
of his desires." (December 29th, 2023)

Don't ask the leaf not to move;
It can't, there's the wind.
Don't ask the sun to stop high and still in the sky;
It can't, the earth turns.
Do not ask man to live forever;
He can't, in the end there is always death.
Don't ask me not to love;
I can't, you're there. (December 19th, 2023)

Love is not about finding the perfect person, it's about learning how to see great things from an imperfect person...

The important thing is not to have
next to someone when
you ask her, someone who
you listen to yourself when you speak.
The secret is to have someone nearby,
someone who is there with you
even if you didn't ask,
someone who doesn't just listen
your words, but above all
your silences.

The important thing in life is not to do something 
but to born and let yourself be loved

In love, simple things are most appreciated, with feeling comfortable and safe. Don't need much more. Love is also needed.

When you fall in love with someone you are not interested in anyone else, and if you are interested in someone else it means you are not in love. ❤️

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will understand how special you’re to me. Good morning sweetie I can't imagine life without you. You’re my soulmate, my best friend: what would I do without you?

I can tell you if I would come back to you it's also no guarantee that one day I will leave you and give you another nightmare. But is better one day as a lion than hundred years as a sheep!

I'm happy if you're jealous, just a little, like I am, but without exaggerating. Jealousy is necessary in love!

Love is not finding the perfect person, but learning to see great things from an imperfect person...

I fell in love looking in you for the point no one has detected, which is given as a gift only to those who scrutinize, listen with love. And I fell in love closely, but not too much, observing you from a sharp angle a little aside, next to a table, while the others talked.

I shouldn't have abandoned you and I shouldn't have left you, I was exasperated I know, and you were too, now it's difficult to recover but not impossible. Let's proceed by sight and in small steps.

I know you love me, but you are torn between your certainties and the many doubts that grip your mind. And not only this, also a fake friend who hate me and would like to take revenge (who laughs last laughs best). I am old but not stupid, and above all I have patience.

Women are heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul and purgatory for the wallet.

I would like to get over it but I can't, I miss her so much 🌹

It's a call for help, a scream that can't find ears or hearts to be accepted. I am a man who discovered to feel alone again, yet surrounded by many, not recognized in his humanity, in his fragility; trapped in the suffering of an unrequited love or maybe yes, it is requited, indeed I'm sure of it, but in a parallel dimension that hides and does not make us understand. A path in the dramatic representation of love. I'm not sure we understood how tiring it can be, in some stages of our lives, to be able to remind us how important it is and how much I need your presence in my and our mutual daily lives. Sweetie how do you want me to love you, if you don't want me to love you the way I want to love you? (May 15th, 2023)

Continuously evolving....

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