<bgsound loop='infinite' src='https://soundcloud.com/sergio-balacco/misty'></bgsound>



La nuova vita della birra

Compagna delle serate tra amici e sollievo nella calura estiva, la birra ha anche molti benefici per la salute. A patto di assumerne quantità moderate, aiuta a prevenire l'Alzheimer, a mantenere la linea e ad allontanare i sintomi della menopausa. Ecco i cinque motivi per bere un boccale senza sensi di colpa.

La birra è una delle bevande più antiche, grazie a radici che affondano sino all'antico Egitto faraonico; una birra che, a quei tempi, era molto diversa dall'attuale, così come il vino prodotto dai Greci e dai Romani era ben lontano da quello dei giorni nostri. In entrambi i casi, infatti, le fermentazioni erano spontanee, mentre oggi sono strettamente controllate per quanto riguarda i tempi, le temperature, e, soprattutto, i ceppi microbici utilizzati per la fermentazione.

Un tempo era molto in voga un detto popolare secondo cui: "Chi beve birra campa cent'anni". Questo formidabile slogan, scorporato dai suoi toni miracolistici, potrebbe avere uno sfondo di verità; la birra, infatti, è una bevanda ricca di sostanze nutrienti, tra cui spiccano le vitamine del gruppo B ed il potassio, contenuto in quantitativi più generosi rispetto al sodio. La B6 e la B9, più comunemente nota come acido folico, sono molto importanti per neutralizzare gli effetti negativi dell'omocisteina, un amminoacido il cui eccesso, similmente al colesterolo, favorisce la comparsa delle malattie cardiovascolari. Il rapporto potassio/sodio, favorevole al primo, contribuisce al mantenimento della normale pressione arteriosa, perché contrasta i livelli di sodio nel sangue; la birra, quindi, può essere consumata anche da chi segue diete iposodiche per controllare l'ipertensione. L'elevato contenuto in acqua, associato alla generosa presenza di potassio, conferisce alla birra le ben note proprietà diuretiche.

1. Previene le malattie - La birra potrebbe aiutare a prevenire l'Alzheimer. La malattia neurodegenerativa è stata associata ad alti livelli di allumino ma il silicio contenuto nella birra potrebbe compensare il danno. Uno studio ha scoperto che il silicio è in grado di ridurre l'ammontare dell'alluminio nel tratto digestivo e rallenta l'accumulo del metallo nel corpo e nel tessuto cerebrale.

Ma bisogna stare attenti perché un'altra ricerca ha dimostrato che bere più di due pinte al giorno può causare perdite di memoria. La birra può aiutare la salute del cuore. 

Un altro studio del 2013 ha scoperto che migliora la flessibilità delle arterie. Inoltre, aumenta i livelli di colesterolo buono, l'Hdl. 

2. Contiene vitamine: nella birra ci sono molti super nutrienti. La bevanda contiene tutti gli essenziali - e alcuni dei non essenziali – amminoacidi". In una pinta troviamo fosforo, iodio, magnesio, potassio e calcio. Il consumo di birra può aiutare a proteggere la densità minerale delle ossa. 
La birra non pastorizzata ha i maggiori vantaggi per la salute perché contiene grandi quantità di vitamina B.
3. Aiuta a mantenere la linea - La birra ha un basso contenuto di zuccheri. A differenza dei soft drink, alza di meno il livello di zuccheri nel sangue Inoltre, la birra è costituita per il 93% d'acqua, per questo è così dissetante".

Un consumo moderato di birra può aiutare a prevenire il diabete. Uno studio del 2010 condotto su più di 38 mila uomini ha mostrato che aumentando il consumo di birra fino a raggiungere uno o due bicchieri al giorno si è evidenziato un crollo del 25% nelle possibilità di incorrere nel diabete di tipo 2. 

A dispetto della cosiddetta "pancia da birra", uno studio condotto su duemila persone che assumevano la bevanda regolarmente ha concluso che è inverosimile che un consumo moderato sia associato a un aumento di peso. 

Bere birra aumenta la produzione di bile che aiuta a digerire i cibi grassi. Inoltre, è una fonte di fibre – due bicchieri forniscono il 30% del fabbisogno giornaliero – e queste sono note per allontanare la fame.

4. La birra ti fa bella - Fatta con l'orzo, la birra contiene l'acido ferulico un potente antiossidante che protegge la pelle dai danni del sole. Inoltre, può essere usato per rendere i capelli più belli. Il luppolo, grazie al silicio, aggiunge luminosità, volume e fortifica i capelli dall'interno. Ma prima di fare un impacco, è necessario bollire la birra per rimuovere l'alcol, che può privare i capelli del naturale rivestimento di grassi. E', inoltre, opportuno mescolare il liquido con l'olio di cocco.

5. Riequilibra gli ormoni - Le ricerche mostrano che i fitoestrogeni nel luppolo – composti simili agli estrogeni che si trovano nelle piante – possono aiutare a ridurre i sintomi della menopausa come le vampate di calore e l'abbassamento della libido. Inoltre, la birra può aiutare a riequilibrare gli ormoni in presenza della sindrome da ovaio policistico, endometriosi e perimenopausa.

Bene, adesso tutti a bere birra, con moderazione.


Something about Vietnam girls....

If you think that Vietnamese women might still be like the one shown in the photo above, know that you are totally wrong. Vietnamese women are not as you imagine, too many war movies have marred the image. Women in Vietnam are much better than you ever thought that they are.

Western men have got it in their minds that all Vietnamese women are "Me love you long time". And that is really all they know about Vietnam and its women.

So when they meet women and discover that Vietnamese women have brains and brawn, wow, they have to stop and rethink what they've been brainwashed to believe.

Man usually find ways to seduce a girl yet it is sometimes too awkward to immediately express your urge towards one woman who is very descent and conservative like many women living in Asia. Asian women are mostly sensitive and conservative. Some of them are still treasuring their cultures and still practicing their tradition, Virginity is very important for it symbolizes the purity. 

Most importantly, you must come across as sincere or she will most likely interpret you as some flirt waiting to pounce on Asian girls. Let your real personality shine through your online conversations and your manner of approach. But do not expect her to be direct and straight forward like any other western girl. Asian women are brought up in such a way that they do not admit their feelings easily and when she like someone, she is more likely to drop hints rather than a direct confession. A traditional Asian girl looks for a man who is honest, faithful and can provide a stable lifestyle.

So to all the guys who are very interested in winning a woman's heart here are some tips:

1) Be yourself:

You don't actually need to please a woman by pretending and offering her gifts. Asian women are actually pleased by guys who have a sense of humor and tends to show who they really are. Girls don't usually believe at love at first sight you really have to work hard to show your sincerity. You have to be genuine and be confident with what you have and what you are, anyway girls will still love you no matter what.

2) Patience is Virtue:

Patience is very important in winning a woman's heart. Courting is one way to show your sincerity and woman usually tend to make a guy wait to measure if the man is really serious . You can offer gifts like roses and chocolates if you want but it is not a guarantee that you would have her. Letters are far more powerful than material gifts, just express what you feel and the rest will follow.

3) Be Respectful:

Treat woman as a woman in your life... not as a decoration or as an attachment for something else... Show her how much you mean to her, that you won't live without her. Try to Respect her family and befriend her friends.

4) Be a man:

Don't make promises if you don't mean it. Asian woman tends to give their all to their man they love the most so don't try to mess with their heart or else you will lose the most precious treasure you can have. If you promise to love her forever then do it.

5) Be honest:

Please do not show off by impressing her with information you know about her country. It may show that you have done your homework however what she truly want is know more about you.

6) Be faithful:

Most importantly, you must come across as sincere or she will most likely interpret you as some flirt waiting to pounce on Asian girls. Let your real personality shine through your online conversations and your manner of approach. But do not expect her to be direct and straight forward like any other western girl. Asian women are brought up in such a way that they do not admit their feelings easily and when she like someone, she is more likely to drop hints rather than a direct confession. A traditional Asian girl looks for a man who is honest, faithful and can provide a stable lifestyle.

Something about Vietnam

Vietnam is a modern Asian country and it is changing rapidly. The country is currently in a stage of massive industrial expansionism and these means lots of jobs for both men and women in Vietnam. There is a problem with 'sweatshop' labour of uneducated women, often immigrants not even from Vietnam, but this problem is gradually going to disappear as the government cracks down on illegal operations. 

Vietnam does have some government corruption issues, but this is the same everywhere in the world. The difference is that in Vietnam everyone knows the government is corrupt, in comparison Americans are often blinded by their own biases and don't care that they're being swindled by men in Wall Street.

So to all the men out there you guys need a reality check. If you guys are so easily swindled by Wall Street what makes you think your opinion of Asian women is as accurate as the stock market? 

Some people just can't see the lies when they're surrounded by them.


A flower for you...

A red rose means love
From generation to generation, women have always loved receiving the gift of flowers. Simply put, flora are a symbol of life and beauty and thus, when received, women do not just feel vibrant and full of life, they feel beautiful and incredibly special. Showing her your love with a specially-made bouquet will only increase her affection for you, and make her feel like she is still the most important person in your life. In turn, you will reap the benefits as it will be her pleasure to reciprocate the feelings you garnered her with. Here is the deal with giving flowers.
Women like receiving flowers. Men think flowers are stupid.
Men think: Flowers die, they do not do anything when they are alive, they are expensive, and they are a cliché. Men know that women in general like flowers, but men also believe that women they know personally do not like flowers. The women they know are the exception to the rule.
I think it’s safe to say that mostly women are reading this post. Women are reading to figure out how to get the men in their lives to send flowers.

Here is what it’s going to take: Bottom line impact. Yes, the guys want to get laid, but dinner seems better: it is like money well spent to them — you still get the sex, but you also get good food. What do you get with flowers? This is how men think, for the most part.

So, here it’s what you get:

1. Flowers make the giver happy. The act of giving flowers elicits a real smile (as opposed to a fake, oh-that-was-nice smile) more often than other gifts of similar cost, according to a research. And men are conditioned to react very positively to a real smile.

2. People think you are smarter if you are a guy who gives flowers. That is right. Send the flowers to your significant others’ workplace. Science says that people will perceive you as having higher emotional intelligence than your peers. Next step: Start milking your significant other is network of contacts since they are already impressed with you.

3. Your will be a better manager. Men give flowers at work, too. Not every bouquet means I love you. Some bouquets mean, “Get the project done on time or we are screwed.” Give flowers during crunch time because flowers and plants at the workplace increase productivity. Flowers definitely made women more productive.

Flowers make people happier. You may found that if you see a vase of flowers in the morning, you have more spunk all day and less stress and anxiety at work. So do not just send flowers to your girlfriend and your co-workers. Send flowers to yourself.