<bgsound loop='infinite' src='https://soundcloud.com/sergio-balacco/misty'></bgsound>




Mai come quest’anno l’affollato show dell’Assemblea Generale dell’ONU sta confermando a New York che - a dispetto dei politici-attori che si contendono il red carpet e il microfono sotto gli obiettivi delle TV – il grande ed elegante “mondo blu” del Palazzo di Vetro non è stato in grado di partorire nemmeno un topolino.

Neppure uno degli scontri in atto nel mondo vede infatti l’ONU attore principale di mediazione o almeno compartecipe alle iniziative per il ripristino della pace: in Libano i razzi si incrociano sulla testa dei nostri soldati del contingente UNIIFIL che sostanzialmente non toccano palla, in Ucraina le forze ONU non sono nemmeno nominate, in Myanmar ci si ammazza a volontà con l’ONU totalmente assente, ma che non è neppure capace di dire la parola “fine” anche alle troppe crisi politiche locali.

Nessuno tiene più il conto delle miriadi di “risoluzioni” man mano approvate (e non parliamo poi di quelle respinte con diritto di veto) dall’Assemblea Generale o dal Consiglio di Sicurezza tanto che i dittatori o i colonnelli di turno continuano indisturbati a violare i principi fondamentali della “Carta” senza neppure più preoccuparsi di salvare la faccia. 

L’Onu (che peraltro è travolto dai debiti dei paesi inadempienti, che non riescono o non vogliono perfino pagare le quote annuali) è veramente in crisi e non va meglio con le sue Agenzie di vario ordine e grado che dovrebbero alleviare le sofferenze dei civili ma – dove ci riescono – portano a  risultati costi-benefici davvero inquietanti anche perché alle spalle dello “show” è nata, cresciuta e si è ben radicata una ressa di delegazioni, funzionari, ambasciatori e mantenuti vari che pesano come macigni sulle casse comuni, ma molto spesso senza dare concreti risultati.

Il vernissage dell’Assemblea plenaria è comunque da anni un “must” per i potenti della terra (salvo quelli inseguiti da mandati di cattura internazionali, non si sa mai) che arrivano, parlano per i pochi minuti loro assegnati nel disinteresse generale, salutano e se ne vanno rigorosamente senza neppure ascoltare quello che hanno da dire gli oratori successivi. Alle spalle dei leader stuoli di portaborse, diplomatici, assistenti, parlamentari che approfittano di fine settembre per qualche giorno di shopping a New York.

Resta davvero poco dello spirito originario dell’ONU, il valore almeno morale delle sue decisioni ha perso d’importanza anche per i “grandi” non vogliono cambiare neppure i regolamenti e si mantengono stretto il loro diritto di veto per bloccarsi a vicenda andando spesso contro la logica e soprattutto la giustizia per i propri interessi.

D'altronde i quasi 200 paesi partecipanti sono tutti equiparati tra loro e teoricamente San Marino e le Isole Barbados contano come gli USA al momento del voto: principio di equità e democrazia, ma che si inceppa poi al momento di concretizzare qualcosa.

Anche la Meloni è venuta, ha parlato (in buon inglese, un bel passo avanti rispetto a troppi premier italiani alla Renzi che neppure lo spiccicavano o si facevano ridere dietro per il loro accento) ha ricevuto un premio dalle mani di Elon Musk e se ne è tornata a Roma sull’aereo di stato. Biden ha invece salutato tutti con commozione: comunque andrà il 5 novembre, per lui era l’ultima sua uscita internazionale ed appare già come l’ombra di sé stesso.  Umanamente colpisce, ma pensare che fino a due mesi fa era lui il candidato democratico resta davvero sconcertante.



Thoughts of love dedicated to an Angel

I don't love you as if you were a salt rose, a topaz or an arrow of carnations that spread fire, I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. 

I love you like a plant that does not flower and carries within itself, hidden, the light of those flowers, and thanks to your love the dense aroma that rises from the earth lives darkly in my body. 

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride, I love you like this because 

I don't know how to love otherwise than in this way in which I am not and you are not, so close that your hand on my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my sleep.



Don't go back to where you were happy one day, it's a trap of melancholy, everything will have changed and nothing will be the same as before, not even you.

Don't look for the same landscapes, nor the same people, time plays dirty and will have taken care of destroying everything that once made you happy.

Don't go back to the place where you were happy one day, always keep it in your memory, as it was, but don't go back.

Life goes on and there are new roads to travel… new places to visit and other people waiting for you. 


Trains are passing many times, not once!

There are trains that are better to take the second time they pass.

They told us many times that trains only come once in a lifetime and, therefore, we took that opportunity when we weren't ready. In this way, we get disappointment, frustration and a bitter memory of a journey that, in another moment, would have been wonderful.

These trains arrive full of hope, of opportunities, of progress for our lives, and letting them pass seems like a luxury that we cannot afford. An unwritten law tells us that if we do so, we are doomed to failure.

Fortunately, this is just the umpteenth result of another of those irrational beliefs that our society has in common, which do nothing but generate anxiety and suffering. We have been taught to pay attention to any passing train that brings us closer to our future, even if the obstacles this entails are greater than the tools we possess in the short term.

Nothing is irreversible

Life is a journey full of trains and, every day, there is a new station where you can choose which of these to take. Decisions in which the sacrifices are as important as the tickets you buy. We often think that if that golden opportunity comes along, and we let it slip away, we won't be able to have another one; this is the result of illogical, unreal thinking.

We live in a world where when one door closes, five open, and when an opportunity is missed, lessons are learned and learned, better ones presented, and so on, throughout our lives. Whatever age you are, therefore, you can continue to bet on changes.

Few things are irreversible, fewer than what we believe. Think about it: if you didn't seize an opportunity because you didn't feel ready, because you didn't realize it was there or because it wasn't the right time, don't worry, because the world doesn't end nor do other trains stop passing by.

We believe that "the love or work of our life" exists, but it is not true: there are loves, people with whom we get along more or less and better or worse jobs, but nothing more than this. The problem is that we believe that our happiness depends on it.

We are the ones who use the qualifier "of my life" and, for this reason, we feel bad when something slips away. You must keep in mind that everyone, absolutely all of us, have missed that "train" at times, but we survived, we learned something and we took the next one, which came full of exciting surprises.

Sometimes we even got to thinking: luckily I let that train pass, because the second one was even better.

Trains returning to the station

These trains you believe have left forever will return to their departure station. Maybe with other passengers on board, maybe with new things to offer you: new routes, different landscapes, but they will certainly come back.

It is important so that you do not fall into demotivation, so that you know that life is cyclical and changeable, that nothing is decisive, that things are not black or white: you get on board or you lose it forever.

You must realize, therefore, that at any moment, in any corner, your train can pass, one of the many that you will take during your life. What is really important is that you are careful and do not give up.

It is essential not to give up, to continue to persevere, to continue knocking on every door, without anything stopping us: neither fear nor age nor limiting thoughts.

Perseverance is the mother of success and what we don't know, in reality, is that we are the trains.


Love you never lose...

Love you never lose... Even if she does not call you. Although she lives her fears. Even if you think of anything else. Even if you leave off without saying anything... 
When you love you never stop loving. It is always a trace. A trail. A word. What then over time become tenderness and complicity...
So why even today this jolt? Why the sudden urge to stay there forever? So... suddenly... like a storm in the middle of August... 

It's not easy to leave and go back, change language, quickly close a door to open another, only an illusion, a door open for her will remain forever. Hope or maybe you want to, or do not want, you want to stay but you have to leave. Do not just hop on a plane and fly away to delete everything and act as if nothing had happened... it happened, I fell in love and I can not pretend nothing has happened, she is always there, before my eyes, like a sun beam or a star which shows me the way. I can not avoid, I can not pretend that there was nothing. The mind says to forget but the heart does not listen and continues on his way. 

I don't want to woke up where I don't want to be. Now I'm still here, portrays of two worlds and two passions, split in two, as if everything is possible, as if it were enough to close your eyes to find the moment of grace before they go away forever...

Do not just stay far to clear everything and act as if nothing had happened ... It's not enough. Because if something happened once it happened forever; and is no longer in my power to push back her in anything, or "as if it had never been." And yet I can reconsider it, watch it (or re-watch it) in a different light, the light of how I am "now", which is a light different from that I was or we were at the time. This doesn't mean that watching it in a different light doesn't make me suffer any more, but it will be a pain differently, because "understands" that already lived, so much so that even more of us are the same, even if we delude ourselves to "be still together"

The distance hurts me, makes me suffer, like the silence. Each raindrop is a tear of happiness to have known you, but also of sadness for not being there with you anymore.

"Memory is a cruel mistress with which we must all learn to dance."
(The Forgotten Garden - Kate Morton)